Newsletter July/Aug ’23

Hello Members and welcome to our first newsletter!

We plan to publish after every Committee meeting so that you know what has been discussed and what is happening at the club, both on-going and events planned for the future.

Winter Training

Gym Sessions

Now that the nights are drawing in and the opportunities for going out on the river in the evenings are limited, there will be open sessions for seniors only in the evenings. Juniors are not allowed to take part in these sessions; your coaches will advise you what sessions will be available for you. Gym timetables are displayed on the island site.

Night Paddling

Please note that any senior paddler going out on the river when it is dark must have a constant light front and back on their boat. This is a British Canoeing safety requirement. Juniors are not allowed on the river at any time when it is dark.

Wednesday Club Nights

Our club nights take place every Wednesday evening after the junior and senior training sessions and are open to all. Dinner is available at £6.50 adult and £5 junior and is advertised on the club Facebook page. Don’t forget to book in advance to avoid disappointment, either on Facebook or via an email to club secretary Eleanor McKinlay at

Site Security

Please close and lock all doors and windows on the island site after training. There have been some occasions where the Wells Room windows were left open after a paddling machine session.

New Membership Secretary

Pippa Hopkins-Hughes has kindly volunteered to be our Membership Secretary, taking the burden off Eleanor, who has been balancing her role as Secretary with that of Membership Secretary for the last 18 months. Many of you will know Pippa as she can be found helping in the kitchen at every Wednesday Club Night and at our races and events.


Can we please ask those members who have not yet transferred their club fees, or those of their children, over to LoveAdmin to do so as soon as possible? If anyone is having difficulty with the system, help is available from Pippa at the club on a Wednesday Club Night.

Royal Sprint Regatta

Our Sprint Regatta, held on 15th July, went well, despite having to start the event early as there were forecasts of heavy rain and thunderstorms. Fortunately the weather held off until later and we made a profit of £537. Many thanks to all the people who coped with last minute changes and helped to make it such a successful day.

Volunteers always welcome!

As you can see from this newsletter, there is always a lot going on at the club and we can always do with some help, especially at races. Below are some of the events coming up in the next few months and it would be great if we could put you on our list of helpers. There are various types of jobs to do at races and the tasks are not onerous and you don’t have to stay all day, a few hours would be most welcome. It’s also a chance to meet and socialise with other parents/club members. If you think you can offer help at any time, please contact Eleanor (details above). We would be very grateful!

Upcoming Events

The Paddling Challenge

The oldest canoe race in the world will take place at the club on Saturday 14th October, starting at 11am. The magnificent trophy, dating back to 1866, will be presented to the fastest senior over 10km and there will be prizes for ladies, veterans and juniors (who race over 5km). Entries will be taken on the day. If you are able to help out on the day, please contact our secretary, Eleanor McKinlay.

Annual Awards Evening

Our celebration of achievements throughout the year will take place on Wednesday 18th October at 7pm, with awards for all ages. Dinner will be available as usual. Can last year’s winners please return their trophies to the coaches or to Eleanor or Jackie at the club on a Wednesday evening?

Royal 10@10

Part of a local series of winter races over 10km, the Royal event takes place on Sunday 26th November at 10am. Again, entries on the day and any help you can offer will be much appreciated.

Christmas Get Together and Quiz

This will be held on Saturday 9th December and there will be 2 events, an early party and quiz for juniors, then a later one for adults. Details will follow in due course so keep the date free!


Our next Committee meeting is on 10th October, so look forward to another newsletter just after.