RCC Newsletter Sept 2023

Hello everyone, welcome to the September newsletter!

As we approach winter, nights get longer and the weather turns, please be aware of the river conditions when going out for a paddle
and please do not go out on the river alone.

Awards Evening

A reminder that our annual awards evening takes place next Wednesday 18th October at 7pm and everyone is welcome. Trophies will be awarded for all age groups and there will be an overall Paddlers Paddler award voted for by you, the members, so please give us your nominations if you haven’t already. We will be serving bowls of chilli (beef or vegetable) with nachos for £5 so please book via the members Facebook page or email kayakjackie@gmail.com to guarantee a meal.

Club Night Kitchen

The kitchen will be closed on Wednesday 25th October and 1st November, due to a combination of half-terms and members of the kitchen crew being away. Normal service will resume on 8th November.

Parents WhatsApp Group

Keith Holt is setting up a WhatsApp group for the parents of paddlers in Carrington and Dietsze training groups. Please contact Keith for more details.

Christmas Parties

A reminder that these will take the form of a quiz this year, on Saturday 9th December. The junior event will start in the afternoon and the adult quiz night will start early evening, details to follow. Food will be served.

French National Marathon Championships

Three of our A juniors represented Great Britain at the French National Championships in September:

  • Isaac Aveson
  • Tom Hatton
  • and Alex Worgan.

Congratulations boys and well done!

Hasler Final

The Hasler final took place at Worcester Canoe Club last month and Royal finished in 4th place, a fantastic achievement, and well done to everyone who took part. There were podium places for Ed Helman who won Div 8 K1 and was promoted to Div 6. His brother, Fred, won the Geoff Saunders Div C race. In the K2 races Flynn Holt and Ryan Lark came 3rd in Div 1, Dianora and Lorenzo De Belio came 3rd in Div 4 and Chloe Williams and Herbie Hartwell came 3rd in Div 9.  Congratulations all and thanks to all the parents and friends who made the long journey to support the club.

Royal 10@10

A reminder that our final event of the year takes place on Sunday 26th November with a 10k race starting at 10am and all are welcome to take part. Our lovely bacon butties will be on sale and entries will be on the day. Any help anyone can offer to make the day go smoothly will be appreciated and, as usual, you’ll get a free coffee and bacon butty.


Our next newsletter will be published after the November committee meeting.

Previous race reports

Royal Canoe Club 10@10 Results

Big thank you to everyone who helped out at todays Royals race 10@10 The results are as follows [pdf-embedder url="https://markshury-smith.in/wp-content/uploads/Royal-10at10.pdf"…

Wey Hare and Hounds End of Series Report

The Wey Hare and Hounds is a 10km time trial series held over the winter months at the Wey Kayak…

10@10 Race Results

Class 1 Race Results Class 2 Race Results   Class 3 Race Results