Richmond Hasler, 1 July 2018

We warmed up paddled to Richmond from Royal in fantastically warm weather, but racing a marathon distance in that heat is tough.

When we got there, Richmond paddlers were out in huge numbers. Wey had fewer than expected but still quite a crowd.

To be honest, with a number of Royal paddlers away, we considered third place respectable, but a fourth spot seemed most likely.

Some great racing followed, some swims, some very choppy water and no portages (what is this?) Everyone raced hard! Those that swam, got back in and carried on. Despite the dramas, our paddlers still managed to achieve a number of podium finishes which has really helped rack up the competition points. Proud of you all.

For the next few days, we’re closely watching the provisional results because it looks like we could have secured an overall win, at Richmond, with a third of the number of paddlers. Chuffing brilliant show!

— Phil Carter

Richmond Hasler 2018. Photo credit: Philip Carter
Richmond Hasler, July 2018. Photo credit: Philip Carter